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with Achieving Creative Results

So much creative work in organizations is done through teams.  CPSB has blended its current approach to Creative Problem Solving to include the use of a tool called VIEW: An Assessment of Problem-Solving Style in order to help project and leadership teams improve their capability for creative collaboration.
A Roadmap for Innovation:

IMP – Global desired help developing new products and services and getting them to market faster. We used our GEMagination process to help reshape their new product development process. Our worked resulted in a reduction in development time of 50%, a savings in development cost of 88%, and an increase in idea-to-launch rate from 8% to 33%. Our training also enabled an internal project in the UK that drove the cancel-save rate from 3% to 68% over 5 months; and contributed to the development of today’s leading products in the US portfolio.

A Process for Innovation:

Procter & Gamble’s Laundry Division wanted to develop new product concepts to help them “leap frog” ahead of their competition. We designed and implemented a consumer research program, (based on our GEMagination process), that examined unarticulated consumer needs. It resulted in tripling the Laundry Division’s QFD new product concept list in one year and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for P&G®.

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Ideation for the future:  Alcatel-Lucent had drastically increased the wireless mobile capacity for AT&T, who had an agreement with Apple to help provide the first generation of i-Phone applications.  Applying GEMagination, CPSB provided a “deep well” of ideas based on insights from 36 unmet needs.  By collaborating with future end-users 10 preliminary applications were developed and launched, with capability to continue to grow the NPD pipeline.
Gaining deep consumer insight: PSCU is a credit union service organization that has over 800 members.  CPSB started working with their senior leadership team to help them with improving their ability to make strategic change happen.  PSCU asked us to work with their Possibility Makers program and we applied GEMagination to gain deep insights into the financial needs of millennials.  These insights have helped to guide PSCU’s roadmap for product development and were shared with all their credit union members.

© 2023 by Creative Problem Solving Group - Buffalo

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