Leading Strategic Change
Strategic Thinking: Moving Beyond Today's Reality
Strategic Thinking for Innovation lets you take advantage of our expertise in creativity and innovation. Helping you set clear visions and goals gives your business a road map for innovation. Through strategic thinking, scenario planning and other innovative techniques, we will help you set a vision and strategy for the future.
Key Benefits
Expand the role of strategic thinking in daily work
Learn tools for generating and focusing strategic questions
Develop a framework for implementing strategic plans

Leading With Insight: Inspired Leadership for Change
Leading With Insight is an intensive and highly interactive workshop that prepares individuals for taking the role of change leader. Participants will become a leader of leaders, learning how those they lead prefer to make change happen and how to establish a work environment where creativity, innovation and change thrive.
Key Benefits
Understand key strategies and behaviors of a change leader
Comprehensive insights and tools necessary to stimulate leadership throughout the organization
Create a unified strategy for leadership teams to guide organizational change efforts

SOQ Intervention: Climates that Support Innovation
An SOQ intervention is an insightful understanding of your organization’s or team’s climate for creativity, innovation, and change. Team members, managers, and leaders will understand what factors help make your organization creative, innovative, and ready to handle chaos and change. Understanding these important factors will allow you to create a climate where creativity and innovation thrive.
Key Benefits
Improved business performance
Enhanced employee health and well-being
Successful implementation of lasting change initiatives