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SUCCESS with Igniting Creative Potental

CPSB has been providing training in the current approach to Creative Problem Solving, and its effective facilitation, since 1980.  Beyond our own public courses, many clients have asked us to customize these learning experiences for their own in-house applications.

Productivity Through Facilitation:

Armstrong was looking to achieve more productive meetings and develop and implement a business plan to strengthen their core business. We trained an internal network of facilitators in Creative Problem Solving v6.1™ tools and techniques, as well as facilitation skills. As a result they learned tools to assist in bringing new products to market faster and achieved better use of their time through more productive meetings.

Jump Starting Product Innovation:

Datex-Ohmeda (D-O) needed help jump-starting their product innovation processes. Several D-O employees were trained in CPS v6.1™, so they could use the methods and tools to efficiently increase their R & D efforts and outputs. Using the methods and tools, D-O began looking at its products from the consumers’ point of view. Consequently, D-O is producing step-change products that will change the face of anesthesiology and provide substantial progress in accomplishing their innovation goals.

A New Way to Approach Challenges:

The United Way of Buffalo and Erie County wanted support in facilitation development, creativity training, and problem solving skills for people in the organization. CPSB trained facilitators through our Igniting Creative Potential Course in order to help come up with new fundraising ideas and to improve performance inside of the organization. The facilitation skills learned by United Way personnel are, in turn, being taught to community organizations and used to lead productive idea generation for these groups.

Using a General Framework:

DuPont wanted to stimulate new product development and overall organizational improvement.  They created the DuPont Center for Innovation and Creativity to provide the necessary support.  We trained the Center’s facilitators in the use of the Creative Problem Solving v6.1™ framework for stimulating innovation and organizational improvement.  It has resulted in a wide variety of changes including the new application of core products and supported the merger of DuPont with the Forum company. 


© 2023 by Creative Problem Solving Group - Buffalo

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