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SUCCESS with Creating High Performing Teams

So much creative work in organizations is done through teams.  CPSB has blended its current approach to Creative Problem Solving to include the use of a tool called VIEW: An Assessment of Problem-Solving Style in order to help project and leadership teams improve their capability for creative collaboration.
Partnering for Innovation:

IBM was looking for a firm to partner with in order to train “Innovation Champions” to help drive innovation throughout the organization. We designed and integrated a program to give these “Innovation Champions” the tools to manage creativity, innovation and change effectively. As a result IBM had internal change agents to drive efforts to produce innovative results.

Understanding and Appreciating Problem Solving Styles:

Procter & Gamble’s Research and Development Function was looking to improve people’s ability to lead teams in producing new product innovations. We designed and integrated an on-going leadership development workshop to help people understand and appreciate the full range of creativity styles and their implications for encouraging teamwork and the productive use of differences.

Helping Individuals Learn and Apply Tactics for Promoting Diversity:

Bull Worldwide Information Systems – Large Systems Software Development function wished to improve an entire level of managers' ability to work more effectively as a group. We designed an intervention to improve the teamwork by helping them explore and appreciate individual differences in other members of their group.


Building Senior Leadership Teams:  GE’s Global Customer Education provides unique learning programs for their key clients around the world.  We have been on the faculty for numerous Leadership for Customers programs and have applied VIEW: An Assessment of Problem Solving Style to help these senior teams develop leadership strategies for moving innovation forward and improving their level of creative collaboration.


© 2023 by Creative Problem Solving Group - Buffalo

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